Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all had a good holiday. Mine was just peachy, thank you for asking.

All in all, Christmas was a success, I had a pretty good time minus some totally pointless drama along about midday. I found out that Laura's family got her the exact same Christmas gift I had gotten for her. Seeing as how they're there and I'm out here in San Diego, this means that mine goes back tomorrow and the daunting search for a replacement gift begins.

For some reason, the whole present fiasco pissed me off beyond all belief. Ridiculous, I know. It's no ones fault. Just one of those things. It's completely irrational to get angry about it. I think realizing all this (that I couldn't rationally be upset with anyone) just further propelled me into aggravated pissyness. Apparently the only thing that pushes my buttons more than a christmas present mishap is realizing that I'm reacting like an irrational dick to said mishap. Ultimately, I succeeded in nothing more than ruining a few precious hours of an otherwise beautiful San Diego afternoon and racking up enough stress to cut a day or two off my life. What have we learned?

I am suddenly reminded of a story involving Adam's dad and a bag of popcorn. Long story short: in this sort of situation, all you can do is laugh. I am presently laughing and it feels amazing. 

Pissyness aside, Christmas was pretty awesome. A big delicious dinner, lots of family, and a fire that causes the poor sap who chooses to open their presents in front of the fireplace to sweat bullets. I'm beginning to realize that the above will forever be what stick out in my mind when I think about Christmas. They will be lumped in with fuzzy memories of waking up ridiculously early and the thrilling feeling associated with seeing all the presents Santa brought that weren't under the tree the evening before.

Christmas is slowly changing for me. The short story above about the silly worry over Laura's present is indicative of that. I don't spend the weeks leading up to Christmas anticipating what I'm going receive, as I did back when I would wake my mom up early and run to the tree. Now, my energy is spent anticipating the look on friend's and family's faces when they open their presents. It's spent shopping for the perfect gift for each person. It's a more mature sort of Christmas. 

I'm presently sitting in front of our fireplace; just threw another log on the fire. I really enjoy having a real fireplace. I'm blogging by firelight... just like the pioneers!

In other news, Adam and I are going sasquatch-hunting in the boondocks of Canada. That'll be fun, if and when we do it. Maybe we'll do it on the way back from steeling the neon and seeing DMB at the gorge. 

Hope ya'll had a merry Christmas.


heidi said...

Loved sittin' next to ya by the fire, man almighty though it was hot, huh!!! I know I feel the same about Christmas, its so much fun giving!!!