Monday, January 21, 2008

Laura Visits DC... and... Me!

As you may or may not know, my darling girlfriend came and spent this past weekend with me. For your viewing pleasure, a short compilation of photos have been provided.

Laura arrived with cupcakes. They were as delicious as they were adorable. I got pandas, she had penguins. I think they were some kind of moist chocolate cupcakes with mocha frosting? Either way... yummmm.

Here we are in front of the Washington Monument and the Reflecting Pool. Unfortunately, the Reflecting Pool has been drained for the winter weather. You can still see a bit of the monument though in a few reflecting puddles left over from last week's rain. Hooray!

My grey speck of a girlfriend before the giant marble Lincoln.

The two of us in the WWII Memorial. If We look cold it's because it was about 11 degrees outside. Burrrrr.

On Inventions

My roommate is presently spending hours manually deleting text messages from his phone. When I asked him why he didn't just go to "delete all" and be done with it, he explained that there are certain text messages which hold a sentimental value; messages that he would like to hold on to. I can definitely relate. 

Sometimes it's nice to go back and re-read old messages and remember what you were doing, who you made plans with on what day, or just simple random messages that made you laugh or smile while you were having an otherwise regular day. I suppose I have the upper hand on him in the text message department as his phone can only hold 50 messages at a given time. I'm not sure how many mine can hold. I'm almost positive it isn't an infinite amount, but I'm at almost a thousand messages and nothing has come up asking me to delete any as of yet.

This whole matter of text messages really made me wish I was an inventor. Well, I suppose in the new-agey philosophical sense, we're all inventors; but I wish I was a fully capable inventor, complete with necessary materials and advanced knowledge of physics, calculus, and electronic engineering. If I were, I would definitely invent a text message printer. It could print out text messages on little fortune cookie sheets or something. Wouldn't that be awesome? I think so. I really wish I knew someone who invented stuff. I'd totally throw this idea their way. They could have the royalties from it and everything... so long as I get my own free fortune cookie paper text message printer.

I'm not really sure what the practical applications of such a machine would be. Having a bunch of little sheets of paper would be difficult to manage and much easier to lose than your cell phone. Perhaps this is why it hasn't caught on. But it would still be neat. Especially for scrapbooks, keepsake boxes, etc.

I need to work on my grammar skills. That last paragraph was laden with sentence fragments. Sweet mercy! I'm not looking forward to this semester's first batch of papers. That's gonna be ugly.

In other news, laura came to visit the city... and... me. Well, ok... mostly me, but we spent a considerable amount of time in the city as well. Theres some pictures that will make you go "awww," I may put them up here.

Enjoy your evening everyone.  

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Back To Life, Back To Reality

I haven't written here in a while. Things kindof went to absolute crap after my last post and consequently put me out of commission for a few weeks. What are ya gonna do? Thats life I suppose. 

So, I'm back on CUA campus and tomorrow classes begin. The longer I'm here the fuzzier the memories of the past month become and more and more it feels like I never left. My Dad and Holly were in the city this weekend, that was good times. I may post some pictures of all that fun stuff on here when I get them. All the entertaining and visiting with them aside, most of my time here has been spent getting unpacked, putting my room in order, and asking "how was your break?" countless times. All in all, the hours since the folks left and all the stuff got unpacked have been pretty boring.

In my wealth of time here in my dorm room, I've managed to watch a DVD and a half of scrubs episodes. That show is fantastic. I always feel a special connection with Zach Braff when I watch it. He thinks the way I think. Also, watching scrubs has made me miss Adam like crazy. He is the Turk to my JD. I've been through absolute hell this past week, and he has been the key reason why I made it through intact. I really wish we went to school together. I shudder to think of how much fun we would have.

I found myself dreading returning to campus towards the end of break, but now that I'm here, I'm pretty sure I'll be alright. Just gotta get through this first week and thing will be smooooth sailing. 

Hope ya'll havin a nice evening... YEAH! 

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Project Boredom

I really wanna see Juno. Anyone down to go? Eh? Eh? Come on... teen pregnancy... fun stuff.  

Anyways, I have become a hopeless fan of Project Runway. I would be completely ashamed of myself, but I think I will instead blame it on the models... oh... and Heidi Klum. I mean Sweet mercy! "Auf wiedersehen" has never sounded so completely... sexy. 

I can already tell I'm getting waaayyyy too into this show. Right now I'm rooting for Jillian, I think she designed for Polo or something. She's classy and wholesome and I love her! *excited pseudo-homosexual voice inflection* 

I want the really annoying gay Christian guy to loose ASAP. He needs to chill the fuck out and stop making a mockery of my name.

Oh sweet mercy... I need to get my car fixed and get back into the real world.

Man... I really meant to type something profound on this thing but now I'm utterly distracted by this damn show. Theres something about a skirt made entirely out of twizzlers... oh man. 

Happy New Year everyone. Have a great 08!