Sunday, January 13, 2008

Back To Life, Back To Reality

I haven't written here in a while. Things kindof went to absolute crap after my last post and consequently put me out of commission for a few weeks. What are ya gonna do? Thats life I suppose. 

So, I'm back on CUA campus and tomorrow classes begin. The longer I'm here the fuzzier the memories of the past month become and more and more it feels like I never left. My Dad and Holly were in the city this weekend, that was good times. I may post some pictures of all that fun stuff on here when I get them. All the entertaining and visiting with them aside, most of my time here has been spent getting unpacked, putting my room in order, and asking "how was your break?" countless times. All in all, the hours since the folks left and all the stuff got unpacked have been pretty boring.

In my wealth of time here in my dorm room, I've managed to watch a DVD and a half of scrubs episodes. That show is fantastic. I always feel a special connection with Zach Braff when I watch it. He thinks the way I think. Also, watching scrubs has made me miss Adam like crazy. He is the Turk to my JD. I've been through absolute hell this past week, and he has been the key reason why I made it through intact. I really wish we went to school together. I shudder to think of how much fun we would have.

I found myself dreading returning to campus towards the end of break, but now that I'm here, I'm pretty sure I'll be alright. Just gotta get through this first week and thing will be smooooth sailing. 

Hope ya'll havin a nice evening... YEAH! 


heidi said...

Hey Chris it's your big Bro. I have to say you are one hell of a Writer. I always enjoy reading your blog. It's great to hear what's going on with your life. So whats up. Why did you have a bad couple weeks, is it the weather, I hear that there are some pretty crazy storms going on back east. Any how hope all is well now and good luck with the new semester. Make me proud. Oh and by the way don't party to hard with parents you know what happens when they have a few too many cocktails.hahaha