Thursday, February 14, 2008

Feliciem Diem Sancti Valentini!

Yes, that's right folks, it's that time of year again. The paradoxical holiday that simultaneously evokes lovesick sentiment and cynical distain in American society is upon us once more and it's time to celebrate! I for one have been having a pretty good one. God saw fit to grace us with beautiful weather here in DC today and it's been a blast.
Ah yes, plentiful sunshine and almost 50 degrees... gorgeous. Enough to keep even the most bitter of CUA's singles scene content.

Don't get me wrong, Cupid didn't miss Catholic U on his radar. There's been plenty of Valentine's spirit here on campus. The picture below is the entrance to my dorm a few nights ago. No one I've talked to knows who it was from or who it was for, but it certainly did serve as a reminder to us all that Valentines was just around the corner. 

Of course, I suppose it's worth mentioning that, shortly after I took this picture, someone pelted it with rotten apples from the cafeteria. I'm not sure if it was the young lady/man refusing or just some bitter third party, but it certainly was amusing... right up until maintenance power-washed the whole mess off our entranceway.

As for me, I have an absolutely beautiful valentine and we plan to celebrate our third Valentine's day with some Spanish tapas and swing-dancing this Saturday. It's going to be a blast, I can't wait. 

Enjoy your Valentines Day everyone. I wish you all the happiness you can stomach after eating so much heart-shaped candy.  


Your host said...

You say, "Almost 50, beautiful day!"

I say, "Cripes, it's cold out! It's barely 60!!

This is what six months in southern Texas does to a woman.

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