Monday, February 18, 2008

My Funny Valentine

It was a fantastic weekend thanks in large part to the pretty girl in the picture below. Laura came to visit campus, heres some photos:

Ah, there we are, the happy couple, stuffing our faces with cupcakes.

These cupcakes actually. Laura made them. Quite delicious.

Karl especially enjoyed them.

Friday night was dinner and movie. If any of you get the chance, you should go see "In Bruges." It was the best movie I've seen in a long time and definitely the best Colin Farrell movie I've ever seen. Actually, it's the only Colin Farrell movie I've seen worth watching. Cast members aside though, it was a brilliant dark comedy. The truly tragic kind that makes you laugh and cry at the same time. A little gory; but hey, what isn't nowadays? 

Best. Napkin. Ever.

Yes, that is a shelf filled with dozens of varieties of hot sauces. My dad would love this place. 

The name escapes me, but dinner that night was some mexican place in Chinatown. I suppose it's sad that we didn't get Chinese, but it was a friday in lent which means no meat for us Catholics. Thankfully, we were in the sprawling metropolis that is our nation's capital, where a vegetarian burrito joint is never hard to come by. 

Saturday night was the main event: spanish tapas and swing dancing. The dinner was fantastic. We ordered all sorts of odd dishes including battered shark meat and tuna that had somehow been cooked to the consistency of clear bacon. Not bad though. Any of you who know Laura are probably thinking "Oh God, she hates seafood, she must have been miserable," but I was proud of her. She sampled all the icky fishy stuff and actually enjoyed some of it. We also got lamb and some really delicious potato thing, so she seemed to be alright. 

Swing dancing was a challenge. No one ended up getting flipped around or anything, but we got some of the basic stuff down well enough. Unfortunately, I forgot to charge my camera that night so the pictures are a little crappy. (When the battery gets low, the flash is the first thing to go)  

There's Karl and Mary, being adorable. They're quite a pair: great dancers and even better company. We were glad to have them with us (especially when they were showing us how to look like we know how to swing dance).

This was the only picture of Laura and I that I could doctor up to look like anything. Like I said, the flash on my camera was gone and hers was in the car. We look pretty good though, right? Thanks Karl and Mary!

The weekend was fantastic, but now it's monday afternoon and I have a latin exam to study for. 



heidi said...

Oh how fun that you went swing dancing! You guys look great and so did those cupcakes! You guys are super cute and we love how you write Chris it sounds exactly how you talk. Love ya!