Monday, February 11, 2008

utter. blog. failure.

So, as you may have gathered from the title of the post, I feel like I haven't done a very good job with this blog in the few months I've had it. I was feeling pretty confident in my blogging ability earlier last month when I found a nifty layout, posted some pictures, and even inserted a nifty music playlist (the black-ish thing on the right in case you hadn't noticed: hit the triangle and it plays awesome music!); but recently, I feel like a sub-par blogger. 

I mean, honestly, can you blame me for feeling this way? Other blogs are so awesome. People who take artsy photos, write certain words of particular emphasis in different colors, and like... post regularly make me look... sub-par. I am vowing now that I will make a sincere effort to become a par-blogger, but I wouldn't put much stock in that resolution if I were you. The truth is, I'm too busy to be a good blogger. I'm a college student, and... I sleep a lot. I can't be expected to update this thing regularly, can I? Even if deep down I really want to. 

That sounded a bit more pathetic than I intended it to. Eh... pathetic is actually proving to be a good mood for this post... I might run with it. 

I mean... commmeeee onnnnnn. 

Ok, nevermind, thats just whiney; and no one likes a whiner. 

Seriously though, I will search the depths of my soul to find something in my relatively uninteresting life to fuel this blog. Also, I'll mess around with html a bit more and try to get some nifty color text and stuff. I might end up turning this ship around after all.

Does anyone even read this thing? I don't blame you if you don't, I wouldn't. It's terrible. But once I fix it, you all better read. Grrrrr.

The End 


Your host said...

I'm reading! I have a subscription and everything! If I remember right, I was your first or second commenter.

I am so 100% with you.

FYI, whenever anyone comments on my site it gets e-mailed to me, so I never miss one. Feel free to comment away on entries from last year if you darn well please.

heidi said...

Yes we totally read it! Dont be so hard on yourself, just do it when you can. No stress...Love ya!

Anonymous said...

i'm pretty sure the place you ate at was california tortilla. fyi. lol. in case you were wondering